Legal notice

Legal information

Company name: Signals sprl
VAT number: BE 0568 873 926
Address: Rue des Hirondelles 1 in 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32460239686

Legal notice

This site is subject to general conditions of use. By accessing the site, you declare that you have read these conditions and accept them without reservation.

Responsibility for the content

The texts are written by the service provider, by the owner of the site or by an external contributor. The greatest care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information and to provide quality content. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the information provided. The content is subject to change without notice. We assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the information on the site. Links to other sites may exist on our site, we are not responsible for the content of these sites. Constant efforts are made to ensure the accessibility of the site, in case of technical problems, we decline any responsibility for this fact.

Intellectual property rights

We own the copyright to all the content of the site: texts, drawings, images, graphic elements, source code, general design, etc. Each online element as well as our database are protected by specific rights. All these elements are our property and no use can be made of this information without our prior agreement. Any reproduction or use of this information contained on the site without prior consent will result in civil or criminal proceedings.

Applicable Law 

Any dispute relating to the terms and conditions of this site will be judged by competent authorities according to Belgian and International Copyright laws.

Collection of data

Personal data is only collected when you fill out an online or telephone request. These data are treated according to the laws of the RGPD and none of your information is sold to a third party. Your personal data is only used to perform the service for which you are requesting us.

– Your data is only used to perform the service for which you are calling us.

– At any time, you can consult and modify this information by contacting the person responsible for the processing of customer data.

– We undertake to take the best security measures available or in our possession to ensure their security.

– We undertake to ensure that your data will not be used or communicated outside the company’s needs, such as billing.